Tuesday, September 18, 2012

You and me, me alone

I see the arid land around me and am reminded of things I can never have
Laughter, carefree smiles and friends of a true kind
For I have given up myself in trying to be yours
I have sold my soul, to find yours
And if this is love, then why is there so much unhappiness
If this is love, why is that I cry alone
For there is no dearth of love, in your heart you say
But why do I feel different in every way
People are not the same, some loving, some a little less
But togetherness is when they embrace their different-ness
So when we are together, should we not be one
One in thought, in direction and the path ahead
And though we may not complete each others’ sentences
We still need to care, and know to show respect
For what is life without companionship?
What is life if one could live as an island
Is not two a company, then how can I be locked alone in my tower of matrimony
And if I have left behind so many for you, should you not be there for me
If this is what I get when I am with you, why should I just not be me, just me?