Sunday, January 11, 2009

Scary times these

Yesterday while waiting in the foyer for Ron before the 6.30 pm Mass, a young man walked up to me and said "I am hungry and helpless, need small change help". I was taken aback to hear such heart-wrenching words and pulled out some change to give him. But before I could hand him anything, Andrew our lead choir singer walked past and shooed the man away. I was not amused.
Later Andrew explained that this young man had been a regular church member and he had lost his job some months. He had since then appeared every day, a few minutes before Mass asking for alms. He was a Polish immigrant, he had a family of five to feed back home. His job as a construction worker had been just enough, but he now had absolutely nothing left.
He had tried to snatch a lady's purse a few days ago, and the kind woman having known his present state, had given him a few pounds and not contacted the authorities.
I think this story is similar to that of many people who have come to UK searching for a better livelihood, and have been stabbed hard by the recession. It has changed many into beggars, hapless puppets, crooks, people living with very less dignity or pride.

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